Children’s Album and books to come!

I have just finished up my first song on what will be my first ever Kids album! With the help from my lovely wife we will be working on a 10 song kids album and 10 books to go along with each song. The album will come first and the books will follow one at a time there after. We will also follow up with animations, DVD’s, youtube read alongs and sing-alongs. I’m having so much fun with this already. Our intent will be to educate and entertain your child without passing on bad manners in the process, like we feel so many books, TV shows and movies do. Our first song/book in the series is “Circle, Square and Triangle.” It is a story of shapes who meet and get along very well. When Square invites the other shapes over to his house they soon discover they can’t fit through the square shaped door. They then come up with a clever plan so that they can all, “Fit In.” We are very excited about this new journey and will keep you posted when we see a launch date coming. writing, journal, computer,guitar

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